The Journeymen Chorus is committed to making great men's vocal harmony that has a positive emotional impact on our audiences while offering our members the opportunity to experience fun, camaraderie, and brotherhood
Audience Promise
To deliver high quality, heartfelt performances with an emphasis on music in the barbershop style while offering a wide variety of repertoire in other genres.
Member Promise
We will offer a fun-loving, enjoyable space for men to come together and create the highest level of barbershop harmony in the upper Midwest. We check our egos at the door, are efficient in rehearsal, and provide avenues to create lasting, impactful relationships with fellow members.
From leaders: to meticulously plan each season, rehearsal session and performance, providing clear expectations for the organization and resources to enable member success.
From members: to commit to the music learning process, fully engage in every season/session/performance, and deliver a high level musical product.
We don’t rehearse as often or as long as other groups; so when we come together, we don’t waste time. We work on our own so that we can create art together
Everyone is selfless, leaves their egos at the door, and comes together to create something bigger than ourselves.
We are an organization that seeks to be about more than just the music. We seek to enjoy each other’s company in and out of rehearsal.